Friday, July 9, 2010

Summer is a trap.

I miss school.


There, I said it. Shoot me.

I don't miss the place itself, the homework, the notorious one-way rule, all guys, and the no facial hair rules (Catholic Prep School). What I do miss are the people. Friends. Teachers. My chill English teacher, my Borat Calculus teacher, my nerdy Computer Science teacher. The Office workers, custodians, guidance counselors, all those cool people.

I also miss the rhythm most of all.

See, in the summer, what I have most of is free time. Time is money, so I must be rich, but when you have abundance, you don't appreciate every penny as much. Likewise, when I have all the time in the world, it's so easy to waste it. Work has helped consume some time so I can appreciate the time in between, but I still miss being busy.

During the school year, I am under pressure. There's classes to go to, jazz practice, this practice, that meeting, friends who want to chill, music that wants to be listened to, video games wanting to be played, homework needing to be done, books begging to be read, yeahh. When there is little free time, it's value goes WAYY up and you plan it out better. I'd rather spend a little time well than have all the time in the world and waste it.

There's something rewarding about collapsing in bed at the end of your day, after waking up early, going through your classes, blazing through some homework, hanging with friends, catching up on email before crew practice, eating something yummy for dinner and then plop. You're sleeping like a baby.

It's nice being used to something, that's why I'm usually so lazy in the summer, there's no set rhythm, no planning out. I'm going with the flow, but I just can't wait til I get my college schedule handed to me and free time is once again scarce, thus making it so much more valuable. And I can start managing my time better under the pressures of school

I guess I'm just weird. Or a nerd. Or both?

As my beloved English teacher told me recently, "I expect that you will be ass high in alligators once the term starts"

Pce, luv and all that 60's crap.


The Listening List:
Mr. Hudson-Straight No Chaser
Drake-Thank Me Later
Parkway Drive-Deep Blue

I'm running out of room on my iPod. Gotta delete some music...

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